Roaring Sea, Still Mind – Solo Exhibition

ROARING SEA — STILL MIND “Roaring Sea — Still Mind,” an exhibition that transports you to the serene landscapes of Normandy, France. Delve into the artist’s transformative encounter with the tumultuous sea and tranquil meditation amidst the storm. Each artwork reflects the interplay of chaos and calm, echoing the essence of Zen philosophy. Discover the […]
Wings & Plume – Group Show – Curated by Prayag Shukla

Birds and butterflies are two marvels of nature; with wings and colours—exalting a certain freedom of expression through their untrammeled and unguided frolicking in the lap of nature. Whether in flight on wings or at rest, they have fascinated artists for ages and swooped into their practices. While birds make a fine spectacle with their […]
Animal Planet Ceramic – Group Show – Curated by Shayonti Salvi

Human being, the most evolved species, seems to be taking over our planet in multiple ways. While we have had numerous breakthroughs in various fields that stake our claim at the top of the evolution hierarchy, it all comes at a price. The issues may not be as direct as they sound. They delve deeper […]
Breaking Barriers – group show

Breaking barriers is the coming together of 2 NGOs, PASSAGES and KHELSHALA, both working against odds to change and impact the lives of others. Though diverse in their objectives, yet perfectly aligned in their intent. PASSAGES was in the process of planning a fundraiser to meet its objectives of guidance, education & support of women, […]
Centrovision Praxis

Mahirwan Mamtani openly identifies with constructivism. Coining the idea of ‘Centro vision’, where the gaze is attributed through multiple dimensions of the microcosm and the macrocosm, built through the doctrines of ‘Tantra’, a spiritual dimension of the mask; masking our multiple lives, consciousness and visions of the world from our elements, enveloping a plane that […]
Grains of Antiquity – Solo Exhibition

Interior Monologue of an Exquisite Painter

Shashikant Dhotre’s paintings exude an enchanting allure, blending dreamlike landscapes with softly lit models draped in silk saris. His work, often shared on social media, prompts awe and excitement, particularly for its painterly quality amidst a world saturated with photographs. Since the advent of modern art, paintings have been judged against the photographic image, with […]
Retrospective 60 Years of Selected Works – Solo Exhibition

As an artist, Manu Parekh’s career has shown a diverse section with form and material. Parekh formed his career after independence in an India that reflected great divisions and confluences, he sought solace in the metaphysical. For Parekh, his native, Ahmedabad, his city of awakening, Bombay, his muse, Kolkata, and Delhi where he resides, all […]
The cartpet show

Art & Soul Cancer Foundation in collaboration with PASSAGES reproduces artworks by India’s leading artists as carpets to be sold to support breast cancer awareness Art & Soul Cancer Foundation in collaboration with NGO PASSAGES presents an exclusive exhibition curated by Brinda Miller with a limited-edition collection of hand woven and tufted carpets in wool […]
Walls – Solo Exhibition

Our lives are defined by walls, both physical and metaphoric. Our earliest ancestors looked for shelter within the walls of caves, and then used those walls to tell the stories of their lives. Their atavistic need to define the boundaries of their space and see themselves reflected on it speaks to the wall’s connection with […]