Vinita Karim was born in1962, Rangoon, Myanmar. She earned a Diploma in Fine Arts from Galesburg, Art Institute in Stockholm and an MFA from the University of Philippines in Manila.
Her nomadic lifestyle is evident in her paintings as she celebrates this diversity from a deep respect and appreciation of divergent cultures which meld together in our interconnected world. The Moghul miniatures, Arabic calligraphy, intricate embroideries from Bangladesh, use of gold-leaf from Egypt, combined with an art background from Sweden and the Philippines are few of the factors which depict her deep love to the rich traditions of craftsmanship via her complex, vibrant canvases.
Vinita weaves her lyrical stories amongst the waves of waterways, canals, riversides and seafronts. Hers is a tribute to the lives and loves of generations gone by, and those still to come.
The artist lives and works in Dhaka, Bangladesh.