Ankit’s sculptures take you on a nostalgic journey down memory lane, weaving tales with a twist. The twist is enhanced with the combinations of media as is apparent in this body of Ankit Patel’s works in “Familiar Sounds… Lasting Silence”.
“Biloney ki Khanak”, or “Silte Hue Sur” or even “Pinjare ka Music” – each work begs to tell you it’s tale. Tales of Ankit’s village life that resonate in his consciousness, strongly familiar even after thirty years. The human element is conspicuous by it’s absence, sometimes appearing as hands in motion as in “Sur aur Ras”.
One is struck by a sense of wistfulness that lingers through the visual dialogues with these works!While celebrating his memories in his tongue-in-cheek style, Patel pays his tributes nonetheless. In his communal milieu, his craftsman and his musician both vye for one’s attention – their sounds differ, the rhythm does not – undeniably saluting and celebrating the protagonists of his memorial journey!